Day: May 8, 2019

Very Short Break from ISMM

Hi all,

As you all know, Moe and I have been collaborating together on ISMM. Now that she’s away because of health issues (hope you will be ok!!!), I will be completely taking over this project. But now I really want to concentrate on finishing Heart of Glass by the end of May, so updates on ISMM will stop for a while… until mid June comes along.

Updates for BttC and SW will still be on-going as I’m hoping to pump out SW 9 and BttC 15 this week!!

Wish me luck!!!



POBE Chapter 32

Ehhhh from what I remember, this sombre mood might last for a few more chapters.

Fluff will be back in a few more days?

Here’s Chapter 32 of A President’s Out-of-Body Experience!